
Where You Should Be

Originally uploaded by G. Lewis
This is my first post in this blog of 2011. It's a new year. It's a fresh start. My new year's resolution was to take more photos and spend less time at my computer monitor. So far, it's been successful. I revisited my Body Lines set idea and decided I didn't pull it off the way I wanted to. It didn't explore anything despite coming out with some neat photos. I realized that I had put no thought into the shoot and what I got were minimal results.

This time, I was prepared.

I wanted to do a shoot showing my view of Vulnerability. I wanted to show more the mental aspects of this emotion and I think what I captured did a good job of that. Lithe (the attached photo) is the first shot from the set. I've been going through a lot of thoughts about relocation and my career path, and it's left me very confused. These images are part of that manifestation and my release of it. Thank you to the model for helping me with these photos. You are the catalyst that is helping to propel me through this new year and make more of my craft.